Meet the talented
people of theo

Like no others, theo’s group of experienced Executive Leaders and Advisors deliver our insight, thought partnership, and foresight.

Meet A Theo Advisor

Our Leadership

Deborah Proctor
Board Chair

Robert Franken
Board Member, Finance Chair

Jack Kolosky

Jack Kolosky
Board Member

Michael Theodosiou
Chief Executive Officer and Board Member

Theo Theodosiou
Founder, Chief Practice Officer, Senior Advisor, and Board Member

Barbra Milwood
Chief Administrative and Financial Officer

Our Practitioners

Theo Theodosiou
Founder, Chief Practice Officer, Senior Advisor, and Board Member

Daisy Jenkins, Esq
Senior Advisor

John Kilgore, MD
Senior Advisor

Shannon Dwyer, Esq
Senior Advisor

Craig Jones
Senior Advisor

Lee Penrose
Senior Advisor

Robert O’Toole
Senior Advisor

Lynn Welling, MD
Senior Advisor

Joe Wilkins
Senior Advisor

Richard Johnston, MD
Senior Advisor

Jack Cox, MD
Senior Advisor

Carl King
Senior Advisor

Brandon Montgomery
Senior Practitioner

Learn how transformation is possible.

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