Latest Theo

Thought Leadership

Unlocking the Power of Sponsorship in Leadership Culture
  • #leadership culture
  • #sponsorship
  • #theo

Unlocking the Power of Sponsorship in Leadership Culture
by Jack Cox, Senior Advisor


In The News

Theo Theodosiou, Founder and CEO of theo Transformation Advisory
  • #change management
  • #organizational potential
  • #talent development
  • #theo
  • #transformation advisory

Navigating New Horizons in Organizational Change, theo Is Shaping the Future of How Organizations Realize Their Potential


Thought Leadership

  • #leadership
  • #momentum
  • #theo
  • #transformation
  • #vision

The Momentum Imperative: Visionaries and the Path to the New

by Theo Theodosiou


Thought Leadership

The Paradox of Success
  • #leadership
  • #success
  • #theo
  • #tyrannyoftheknown

Tyranny of the Known™: The Paradox of Success

(part 1 of a 3-part series)

by Theo Theodosiou
